Saturday, April 26, 2008
ytd went to orchard rd for data collection..was so tired lor siting at the bus stop for total 7 hrs we breathe in quite alot of the smoke frm the bus to get posion frm those smoke..LOL..Still left wif 9 days..hope it faster end..orelse im really gg to fall already havin cough..haiz..
:( Monday hav to go agn..die..really dun feel like gg..
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
SPOP at hougang mall on 2 MARCH 2008
Marcus signature..actually didnt want ask for the signature cos alreadi gt 1 but i still cant stop myself cos mayb is the last time so i went forward to ask for it..Mus grab the chance..i dun wan to regret.
SPOP Top6 singer and composer at Hougang mall 2 March 2008
This is the 3rd time i went to hougang mall to support them..but is the last event at hougang mall sad..when can i get to see marcus agn?

He was so shy lor but very cute.
SPOP event at Hougang Mall 3 Feb 2008..2nd went thre to support marcus.
SPOP gong Zai..actually shld be t-shirt lor but we waited at the diff location lor so missed it..haiz

Friday, April 11, 2008
SPOP at hougang mall on 3 FEB 2008

SPOP event at HOugang mall on 3 Feb 2008
Actually wanted to q for spop tshirt but in the end no more tshirt so was given gong zai instead..we reached quite early but we waited at dwnstair lor..didnt noe was at the top level..orelse sure can get the tshirt lor..sad :(
Top 6 singer and host Lin cuifang

SPOP at hougang mall on 31 dec 2007(continue)
SPOP at hougang mall on 31 dec 2007

SIP gg to start
die le..nid to do simulation lor..y mus simulation? hate it
my grp nid to do a SBS project..:(
i dun wan SIP and MP..sound very scary
wht shall i do? countdwn to SIP..left 9 days
why time past so fast?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
connection prob
ytd jus bought a dvd troblesome when connect those cables
technology is so troublesome
luckily finally figure it out orelse cannt record my fav show "jus in spore"
it's a nice show but gg end soon..miss su ding yi