Sunday, June 29, 2008
my life is back to normal
Last mth was my crazy mth lor..had done alot of things that i nv try b4 in my past 23 support a star until so crazy..wait for him at mediacorp until so late time..and oso 1st time to mediacorp to worth it..he was always so friendly and nice so happy everytimes when i bac frm mediacorp..
during tis mth, i like become another person lor..i was always very shy wif stranger but during jiaxi gathering, i was nt the 1 who shy lor..i was actually the 1 to change the atmosphere thre..askin them to chat wif each others cos every1 was so shy...Hope tis can train mi.
i think hav to wait for jiaxi birthday then gt gathering i wish jiaxi gathering can cum soon.
Monday, June 23, 2008
jiaxi gathering at ktv on 22 june
Saturday, June 21, 2008
wat a busy wk
During tis wk, i realised
simulation is so confuse and so tough lor
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
u are the one grand final
Aft the show, we waited for them to out..i thought they will be out at very late..actually wanted to leave but my fren said last time i wait lor..
They came out at 12 midnite plus..then we chat wif him for awhile..took photo..then they hav to go for we wait at the gate thre and saw zhenhuan waiting for jiaxi..aft awhile..jiaxi ride his bike and he gav every1 a happy..
Friday, June 13, 2008
2nd time to mediacorp to watch "u r the one"
On mon, i went to mediacorp to watch U R THE ONE..tis is my 2nd time to mediacorp..very happy to see jiaxi agn...
On that day..alot of ppl keep shouting for jiaxi name..he was so busy waving to them and he was so funny when he wave..
During that day..he sang 3 songs lor(include gavrill part) happy lor But tis cumin sun, he will be dancing lor...really can t wait to watch it lor..nv watch b4..although he say his dance nt gd but i still wan to
Aft the show, we wait for jiaxi but didnt get to see him cos i oni wait until 12am but heard frm others, he came out at 1215am sad. When we will waiting for jiaxi, i saw gavrill , zhenghuan,louis,jianfeng,clement,mable and i went to zhenghuan and grarill to get signature and photo taking. Zhenghuan was so tired lor..his eyes was so red.
Chengxi & me
(Almost dun hav a photo wif him cos 1 take was nt saved so luckily i approach him for 2 take and finally gt a pic wif him)
Chengxi ( took it aft the show)
Last sun went to causeway pt to see U R THE ONE..although dun hav jiaxi but i still went thre cos i wan the limited cam..i reached thre at alrd 1145am..i was at 3rd row..luckily in the end able to get the happy.
On that day, the event was fun lor..playing games..true or dare...hee

Monday, June 9, 2008
Always Fun party at IMM 1 June
jiaxi waiting to get punish..haiz
jiaxi ( the 6th frm the left)
U R THE ONE Top 16 (giv mi a pose)
when i reached lv5, i step out of the lift and saw them..jiaxi saw mi too..i was so scared lor..then i saw alot of security surrounded them so i dun dare to walk over..luckily jiaxi saw mi and i point to him that i wan to take pic wif him..his hair was messy and wet bcos gt punished..he was so friendly and nice lor..when i was takin the photo, my hand shake finally abke to take wif him.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Went to mediacorp to watch "U R THE ONE" Live 26 may 08
Jiaxi aft the show( i love his smile)
On mon aft sch, i went to mediacorp to watch " U ARE THE ONE" live show..i reached there at ard 6.50pm.. then i saw M! jianfeng 2 times..then i saw F5 jiang ting ting..we went in at ard 7.10pm then we wait for the show to start.
It was my 1st time at mediacorp..was so excited and happy..jiaxi was nice..i also saw chengxi..he was sitting at i went to pass him the present..when i went up..he said " for jiaxi".. i said ya then i pass another for him and he was so shock by saying" i also hav" today is jiaxi competiotion lei..i jus laugh. When he saw the card, he said wan to look at it..i said later la.
Then i ask him for signature..And aft the event..actually wanted to take pic wif him but the mediacorp studio off the light no choice lor..then he said take frm his mother so i went to her relative thre and get frm them..their relatives was friendly lor.
So happy to see chengxi and jiaxi..they are so friendly and nice lor..
25 may 2008 "U ARE THE ONE" at compass pt


