Jiaxi's 3rd gathering at East Coast Park 13 June 09
13 June 2009 = A tiring and healthy day

Had been busy with uploading, tagging & sending others of the gathering photos. Finally got the time to update for the gathering. This time was an outdoor gathering at East Coast Park as the first 2 gathering was indoor. Actually I prefer outdoor gathering more than Indoor..hehe
We suppose to reach at 3pm but I meet meiling and eliz at bedok interchange early because I don't know how to go..so dumb right..LOL. When I reached at 130pm, we quickly took a cab there. By the time we reached there, most of the pavilion was full so we kept walking and walking. Imgine had to carry heavy stuff and walk such long distance, my legs was pain somemore because of the sandal i wore that day.
From 2pm+ to 4pm, sitting at the pavilion, waiting for the rest to reach. I almost fall asleep as the previous day I slept at 5am and wake up early to prepare the foods.
The 1st game we play was Treasure Hunt. We were divided into 2 groups but there was only 7 peoples so my group only 3 peoples including myself. How the game play? There are total 11 questions related to jiaxi for us to find the answer at different spot of the ECP. Our group was too tired to run so we just walk. In the end, we only play 5 or 6 questions because not enough time and the last question was to find where jiaxi is. Actually I already know he was at Burger King. but i don't know where is Burger King, luckily my group member know. So in the end we found him 1st, he was sitting at the corner having meal..LOL..So envious lor, we run and sweat like mad and he sit in the air con room and rest. Haven't got the time to catch my breather, we needs to walk back to our pavilion area..OMG..So tired.
The 2nd game was Double Wracko. Don't know how to explain the game in detail. We have to form a circle with 2 rows. Whose name kinda called by other, the person behind have to shout for others name but not same row as you. I realised cannot let jiaxi stand behind me, if not we sure kinda punish. When people called my name and he still like daydreaming..LOL..So in the end, know who kinda punished..of cos is KANG JIAXI. The punishment was to dance the chicken dance, he was asked to stand at the pathway to dance. Alot of people walking and looking. i really have to giv him a clap because if i was him, I don't dare to do it...but he still managed to finish it. Yong qi ke jia. He needs to do 24 sets because of the number 24 on his shirt. And he said" Luckily I didnt wear my brother shirt". Because cx shirt was 77..LOL

The 3rd game was dog & bone. 6 persons per group and choose a number from 1 to 6. I was number 2. After 1st round, they asked wanna change number but our group stay the same. In the end, jiaxi changed to number 2. I was so unlucky. I don't even want to fight with him with the bone because he run damn fast, long leg long hand..LOL..So melissa changed with me. Actually our group win at the 1st place but don't know they changed the rule and we kinda punished to sing..HAIZ
The last game was sort of running game. I joined in the game but didnt ran at all. My batt was almost empty by that time. So i just stand there. The last game punishment was water bomb, Jiaxi was kind to accompany the person but in the end everyone aimed him and he was wet after the water-bombing. Luckily he ride bike, will dry faster..LOL..Actually suppose to end at 730pm but ended at 9pm+ instead.
The gathering ended with 2 words..tired and smelly..LOL..So I decided to take a cab home with eliz as we live just next block to each other.
Here the pic..Taken alot of photo but due to my stupid flashlight, the photos was quite dark. So i just put those that are clear and some was from others who tagged him.
Jiaxi was asked to do many weird and funny pose for us to take photo. He was so obedient, ask him do anything and he just 服从..So good of him..LOL.
Climb up the tree & Act as a ghost
Be koala & Hug the tree
and arab man
He bites the chopstick while writing and I was so scared that his saliva will drop on my book. So disgusting. In the end the chopstick was full of his salivia.
I asked him to show me the way he hold the chopstick and realised he had been holding it wrong for so many years. He was trying to lied to us by showing it but too bad, we didnt got cheated by him.
Photo taken with him
Which 1 is jiaxi? Totally Obvious

The 1 and only number 24 KANG JIAXI
Oh ya an interesting screen tat day, some of the members was playing with 2 dogs and the 2 dogs keep going near to jiaxi and we thought the dog like jiaxi but actually the dog just want to pee because jiaxi happened to stand near the lamp post..LOL
I'll like to thanks the committee members for such wonderful and nice gathering they planned..thanks..and also jiaxi. Hope next gathering will be better.
PS: This was the most unforgettable gathering I had in my life because no image at all...HAHA