William's birthday Celebration
7th Nov 2010
Rock N Ash Cafe
It was a big day as it was William birthday. There was a celebration held at Rock N Ash Cafe which located at Marina Link. It was a busy day as well.
Before the celebration start, went to collect the birthday cup cake first and rushed down as I thought they will be on time..LOL. The cup cake was damn nice, cute and unique. Stay tune for the cute cup cake design by continue reading it..hehe
It was my second time to Rock N Ash. After reached, arrange the cupcake and wait for the rest to come.

TADA!!! Unique cupcake...so cuteeeee......and nice..hope william like it. Who say birthday must have birthday cake, we can go for cupcake as well.

Guess who was the one finished 4 bowls of soup..Ans is elson..I really can't believe with my eyes..guess he must be damn hungry..hehe

After the birthday songs, it was speech & wishes time by william. I was so touched by his speech especially the part he mention how hard he had gone through and more. After his speech, I saw tears rolling in his eyes and it was my 1st time to saw him in this status. This time I manage to control my emotion..
After that, he distributed each of the cupcake to everyone, including a message by him.

I got a letter 'I" but I forgot what is stand for and why is it for me. But thanks

Elson's cupcake was so cute..rabbit rabbit..Look like him right? LOL..Elson like slimed down sia...hehe

The 2 gift bought for him. I have a hard time of what to buy for him. After spending 2 days of shopping, I decided to go for customize Items. Luckily it was out on time as I did it the day before. As for why I decided this 2 gifts was becasue..
Hai Ye Towel - I decided to put this name was because I feel that this name was meaningful to him and one of the reason was many of elson's song was written by him and I like Hai Ye lyrics.
Pen with william name - I decided to give Pen was because I hope he can use this pen to write more good lyrics. Hope he like it.
Given a card to him as well. Wrote alot inside the card. I was shocked when he said my handwriting was nice..LOL..Thanks
After that was Photo time. I was super not myself that day..I was like so high..hehe

Zi Pai by birthday boy. I love his Zi Pai that was why I always want him to Zi Pai with me..hehe

Group Photo = Big Family
Message for you:
Had know you for quite long and I'm glad to know you. Before I know u, elson or RIG peep, I always stay at home. I dont like to go out at all. So I dont have much friends as well. But after I know u guys, I always has lots of event to attend during wkend and also got to know more frens.
I'm actually quite afraid of u when I just know you and you look damn serious especially during work and I dun dare to tok to u at all. I guess you don't know that too as I didnt mention before but after this year, you chatted with mi at msn and from that day onward, I changed my view..hehe..you are actually a very nice, a person with lots of knowledge and you always gives me alot of advice, encourgement, care & concern.
Every word that came from your mouth was so meaningful. You always know what I'm thinking and always give me advice on what I should do and the direction for me to follow. To you, I'm a person who keep thing to myself but I'm glad to find a person who I can speak to.
When I'm emo, you will find something to cheer me up and you are very sure what things can cheer me up and thanks for sharing good things with me. Thanks for your counselling. Since I met you, I learned alot from you as well. Your fighting spirit and more. Thank you for changing my thinking in life. And I'm sure there are more to go to learn from you.
Actually those message should be written inside the card but I have too many to say and I'm sure it wasnt enough for me..hehe..ohoh..Im so Long winded.