Monday, September 28, 2009
Today went to watch movie with sis and dewei. We watched "accident". This was my 2nd time in my 24yrs to step into the cinema again. Actually suppose to go sing k wif carol, yuanzhuang and yujing. But yujing last min cannot go and I havin tooth pain so we decided to cancel it and change other day. Since my sis wanted to watch movie so asked dewei for movie last min. We watch the 4pm slot, the cinema was damn cold until 3 of us keep saying "COLD COLD". I didnt bring jacket somemore.
When out from the cinema, we still feel very cold..LOL..After that, went to sis's work place to chit chat. And dewei went to shop for his namecard holder. After that, went off at around 6.45pm.The movie was quite ok, got afew disgusting scene and the sound effect scared me & my sis quite a few times.
Just receive another job email frm 1 company. Luckily is on the way because tomorrow going for an interview at ubi and the job email I received today is near to airport rd so quite convenient. Now I think I should find those job near to my house so it will be more convenient.
Im so sick of my blogskin. Think its time to change it but changing really nid alot of time. Mayb slower do it. Sometimes want to change but abit lazy to do a lazybum..hehe
PS: The pain is getting more and more painful..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sended quite afew email for job and today afternoon got a replies from 1 company, going for interview next week. This company replied so fast, it was just within 1 fast lor.
Now I got alot of things want to buy but without work and $, none can be I wish I can find a job soon.
List of the thing I want:
1) clothes, bottom and shoes
2) bag
3) Handphone
4) Laptop
5) Digital camera
6) vest
7) more........
Thursday afternoon went to novena. Actually I emailed a job and I didn't know it was actually a agencies. But I still went there. After that, went to united square and walk but nothing to shop so went home instead. When on bus 151, there was a super jam at macpherson road. Sian.
Watched 明星志工队 Stars For A Cause on thursday night. Another meaningful show that make me cried again. Think Monday, tuesday and thursday is my crying day..hehe
This few day was clearing my thumbdrive that I used during poly times and it reminded me of my poly life. Looking at those report and project I had done, I really miss those day.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Yesterday watched my favourite show "I'm sorry" and I cried at the ending part. I just don't know why I always cry at the ending part perhaps ending is always the most touching part. Yesterday espiode was on son and father. The father took away his rice bowl and locked him outside while he was watching television because he care for him. He want him to sleep and wake up ealry and also he want him to know his table manner. It let me think of "打是疼,骂是爱". The moment when the father lets the son step into the house touched me.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saw this video at elson's blog and like to share with everyone. When I watched it, I cried too. It was really very sad to see that. The kids was so skinny. Everytime I heard the sound from the kids, I will feels so xing tong and goosebumps will start to come. It was heart wrenching to see them in this state. They are really pathetic. So please do not waste foods.
knowing that elson's new design tee is done. Cant wait for his shop to open soon and also his singles..FASTER FASTER. His shop will be up pretty soon. Looking forward to it. Remember to support his shop. Thanks
Peeps, please vote for elson at, select vote 5 for number 23 guy. You can vote EVERYDAY! Just spare 1 min to vote for him, thanks.
Next going to introduce 2 blogshops. 1st blogshop is (local) and 2nd is (malaysia). The tee-shirt from 2nd blogspot is unisex. Do support them. Thanks
Monday, September 21, 2009

Thought I was late but I reached just on the time 2pm but the seminar was delayed. Start at 245pm instead. Elson saw me and ask me sit in front but I don't want and he said "don't fall asleep hor". He always say the same thing to me and it make me sound like I got sleep disorder or pig lor..Argh
Now I will talk about what I had learnt from the seminar. The High-quality water really got alot of benefit. It even can use with facial. Other than the water knowledge, I really must say elson's boss William presentation skill was really great. He was really very good at talking and his presentation skill was awesome. He always able to handle those question by the guest and answer in a way that able to convince everyone. If I was him, I'm sure nervous and got scared by those questions they ask. I'm sure he know the product well that's why he was able to answer their question. William said he love challenge and question from other so he will be able to learn from the question. After hearing what he said, I really have to agree with him. Actually I really hate people to ask question during my poly presentation but now I think what he said was right. He always answer those questions well and speak with confidence which I really lack of. I should learn from him..hehe..But I really scared of him when he strict..hehe
Elson was requested to sing the "I'm in love with it" last min without music at all. But he still sing well. I love this song so much. Don't know when can I purchase his singles. Waited for quite long time lor.
After seminar, they had a refreshment but I didn't eat because I thought later will be going pizza place at 5pm to eat but who know, elson they all was so busy and was delayed to 730pm. I almost wanted to leave. I was waiting outside, sit at the sofa and waited 2hrs for them. William asked me to go in but I don't want, I just sit alone outside. Because I don't like the atmosphere inside. I Was so bored and hungry waiting for them outside.
After the seminar, took a cab down with jasmine, evon and Zheng Lin. Reached there at around 730pm. Elson was at our table. Our table was the most noisy I think because we just chat and laugh, treating the place like our house lor. We eat, joke, laugh for the whole session.
This time round, I sit inside. My sis finally manage to have dinner with us as she had been wanted to join us previously due to her work schedule. Sis now you know how elson talk and finally understanf how I feel right..hehe
When william help us take the group photo(below), he said he saw 1 more person and we was like "where? don't scare us lei". Next william keep using 1 pen and drawing circle infront of our forehead and ask us "did you feels something going in?" And my answer was "huh, nothing lei", he even tried 2 times but my answer still the same. Almost all of them didn't feels anything. Don't know what he was trying to do lor..LOL
After the dinner, We went off at around 9.30pm but we took some photos before leaving. After that, went to my sis's work place. Took a group photo and headed home. When on the bus, was pissed off by the old uncle's hand. Keep touching and touching..ARGH

Yuanzhuang introduce to me this super junior chinese song. not bad but I still prefer "It's you" and "sorry sorry"
Yesterday (sunday) was out almost the whole day. Went to river view hotel for the seminar talk. Actually didn't want to go at the first place as I went before. But on saturday midnight, received a sms from elson, asking me can go. I was thinking since nothing to do in the afternoon so why not go and support his company seminar. But i didn't regret attending it because I learned another knowledge on water. At first, I thought the slides and everything will be same as the previous seminar talk but it was different. I will talk more on my next post.
Saturday night had a terrible headache. Went to sleep at 5am and awake at 11am..tired and sleepy sia.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
我没有办法当做略无其事 我只能用微笑来盖过
正所谓手心是肉 手背也是肉
也许人人都有这样的痛苦 但痛苦不是永恒的
好想念以前的日子 最初的感觉永远是最美的
Thursday, September 17, 2009
In the end sleep at 4am plus.
Keeping thinking about myself.
Keep asking myself what had I done in the past that I can be proud of myself
and the answer is NOTHING.
I wonder what I had study for the past 3 years, did i absorb anything?
Am i wasting my time study for the past 3 years?
After graduate, I didn't achieve anything I want at all.
Or is it my own problem?
I just feel so useless.
Sometimes I wish I can go back to student's life.
The older we are the more problems we will be facing.
I miss those study times. The lectures hall that I had my lectures
The times I chat with my Friends.
The times we gather together to chiong for projects
The library we use to do our research and more......
But after thinking, I shouldn't bother so much,
just let nature take it course.
I knows there are more unfortunate people in this world.
Compare my problems to their, mine is just a small matter.
Oh ya wateched Monday the show "buzzing cashier" and Tuesday "I'm sorry" and "Front line" was so touching. I even cry when I watch the "I'm sorry".
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009

I really can't stand him. Can you stop giving me those yaya papaya face. You didnt contribute so why should I resepect you. I really can't stand it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A long post full of photo. So bear with it.
Went to elson's birthday concert party. Wrapped the present last min and before headed down, my sis help me put some make up. I realised it's damn troublesome to put make up. So we took quite a long time and in the end took a cab down with my sis and reached there at around 6pm plus. But when reached, most of the make up was already gone..HAHA.
There was some delay so we chit chat outside the ballroom while waiting for them to let us know our table number. While waiting outside the ballroom, I had a feeling like attending a wedding. Alicia and I keep playing with the topic.LOL.
Got to know from elson's blog, there are total 218 guests lor, that's alot. Beginning of the party, elson went up to the stage for Thank You Speech but to me more like those principle giving lecture speech..LOL. The host was very good at hosting too. Elson sang alot of song including my fav song Liao Jie, you'll never be mine and finally the one I wish to heard the most "I'm in love with it". He also sang "Saranghamnida. First time to heard this song and found it not bad. Always loves to enjoy to his songs.
The cake for elson was so special. It's a Donut Cake. 1st time to see a donut cake, so special. After that, elson went around shaking the hands of every single person in the room and our table was the last and by the time he reach our table, he was sweating. There was group phototaking at each table too.
The service there was damn good. They are very friendly and polite too. We even chat and joke with them..LOL. There was one moment, the guy was going to cut the fish and alicia shouted "STOP" because she wanna take the pic and the guy was scared by us lor..LOL
Everyone was busy taking photo and the dinner ended quite late and we went off at around 11.30pm so I and my sis took a cab home and reached home at about 12am. Was tired but happy too

Monday, September 7, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009
Wanna go out to buy things
But my mum don't allow me to go out
As I'm not fully recover yet so nids to stay at home
But i still got alot of thing still undone
What should I do? Time is so tight
This few days needs to eat those plain foods
Had been eating plain porridge and white bread for past few days
Really sick of it. I want to eat mt fav POPIAH and other foods too
This few days
I sleep straight away after I lie on the bed
All thank to the medicine
unlike last time, always sleep at 4 or 5am
Didn't go for the interview today because I smsed the person and told her that I'm not interested for that job. Anyway also not feeling well too.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Today morning before seeing doctor, took my temperature again. It dropped down 38.1. Then went to see doctor this morning and he said I catch a cold. The ladies at the counter took my temperature and it show 37.1 mean no fever but when the doctor took mine, it show 38.1 gt fever..LOL..

After seeing doctor, bought 面粉粿 but is without egg and ikan bili. So doesn't taste good.
Feeling better now after taking the medicine. Just woke up cos after taking medicine feels very sleepy. Hope i will get well SOON.
Fri still got interview, don't know want to go not. Feels so lazy and weak to go out. Haiz