Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Elson at "只想说声对不起" PS I'm sorry

Nothing much to post for today
Yesterday watched PS I'm Sorry. Elson was in the show.
He acted as Raymond role. His performance was great,
He bring out the attitude of the role &
he do look like a bad guy
I realised if he don't smile,
he look fierce lor.
Although might not be good but
I believe he will improve in future time.
I got record it down in DVD disc.
Hope to see his 2nd acting role.

My conclusion after the show was: Simple word are always hard to say it out.

Oh ya, elson will be appear in 1 local concert as a special guest.
Very happy for him.
Although it's not his concert but
this might be a good start for him too.
More and more people will get to know him soon.

I really feels that customer service is really important for all kind of business.
The ways you show give me a sight of poor service.
You should provide me with answer of my enquiry.


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