Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today in the late afternoon, was working and I received a bad news. I was scared & shock by the bad news. My hand was damn cold at that moment. I'm so worried, really hope he will be fine soon. At the same time, hope it's nothing serious and he will get well soon. When I receive the news, I was still working and It make me no mood to continue working. He really had been overwork for the past few weeks for his studies and career. Really hope he can have a good rest and take good care of himself. Take care.

Now, all we can do is to pray for him. As his scan result will only be out on 12th may, the day before my birthday. Hope it will be a good new, if not, I wonder will I still have mood for my birthday not. But I I do hope it's nothing serious and he'll be fine soon. Let pray hard for him, thanks

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