Friday, August 6, 2010

I like this event poster very much. The use of the colour is so nice.

Do support them at bukit timah plaza this cuming sunday from 12pm to 6pm @ Basement 2.

I'm so looking forward to sunday event at bukit timah plaza. My dad will be celebrating his bday on sat (with family) & sun (with fren), which mean I'm free on sun. When I know that elson will be singing 梦想起飞on 8th Aug, was so happy..But just saw his wall post at FB saying he will not be performing or PK on sunday..HAIZ

For the past few days had been trying to upload video which I took last sunday & also previous event video but it really pissed mi. Have to upload 3hrs plus, so by the time it done, it will be around 1am plus, which I cant wait until that long, Had been sleeping at 1230+ recently, which make me damn tired & sleepy the next day.

ShuPing mei told me that she never seen before the video of "Are You Gay Today". So I'm here to post another video of elson in the past to share.

Read william's blog, this is what he wrote :
他把抢摊大行动的两位主持人比喻成艺人经理, 烹饪师傅为媒体或赞助商, 摊主为艺人或新人, 而试吃大会的美食团为歌迷。说的很有道理,我看了两个系列的抢摊大行动,我不曾有这种想法,因为只有深在处景的他才能。当一位艺人经理真不容易,我只能说人要懂得知恩图报,不要忘本。人要懂得领情,不要觉得什么都是理所当然,不要辜负别人的用心。我知道他很灰心了,但不管如何,人间还是有希望的,你一定会找到属于你的那道光,那个值得让你付出努力而又领情的人,会让你值得骄傲的。加油!!!

The day is getting nearer day by day ;(

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