- Saturday (23th Oct 2010)
After work, went to city square for meal. It was a treat from colleague.
After that, trained down to bugis for Cha Ban Sheng Autograph session event. I start to like this song "人生实验课".
Auntie Lucy was there to support them too
After the event, trained down to far east for another event. I love quite afew of song sang at far east. Although I look tired but I really enjoy with it so much that I sing along too..hehe
After that went shop around and had our late dinner. Went off first as was really damn tired.
- Sunday (24th Oct 2010)
STEPHEN TOH Guitar Unplugged with Peter Ng & Joanne Chan Music Showcase
Went to swee lee cafe for music showcase. It was so successful. The showcase was really awesome. Why I say so was, I enjoyed it. The way they host and those song they choose was nice. There was many audience and laugh as well. Unplug music is the best. I love it

Overall the showcase was awesome, I like the "成全" and "你最真贵". Joanne and peter was damn nice and friendly as well. Both of u must Jiayou and stay sweet..LOL!!
After the event, went to cineleisure for dinner and chit chat session. Headed home at ard 8plus.

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