wow..ytd nt feeling well lor..stomach pain until like hell lor..pain until no strength to talk lor..i think gastric pain bah..then when reach hm..feeling better aft i had my dinner..nvm been so painful lor..then b4 that..those 2 days..dunno wat i ate lor..stomach oso nt well lor..haiz..stomach had been givin me prob those few days lor until today more better. slp until 12pm then wake up..was so tired recently lor..ytd watch the perfect until fall aslp lor..haiz..missed the show.
In 7 more attachment gg to finish soon..then in 1 more wk gg to present to the scared i wish 7 wks can end soon..then in 5 more days, jiaxi gg oversea for holiday le..will miss him lor..hope 6 days can over soon..i oso wan go oversea lor but no choice..sure dun hav the chance lor..parents dun allow..haiz..hope i can convince my parents.
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