dad mentioned abt gg taiwan on march..cant believe it..i had been hopin to go for so long..but the prob is still nt sure able to go nt lor..hav to depend on my mum cos she dun wanna go and my dad said" if ur mum dun go, u all oso nt able to go so u and ur sis better go cinvince her"..oh no..WHY? wat a impossible mission for both mi and my sis..i really hope my mum can join us and all family 5 of us go 2gether lor..will be better..really hope can go taiwan dad said april may wan go china, he ask mi wan go and i said i more intertested for taiwan..haha..act china oso nt bad..but taiwan will be my priority..haha
im finally out wif a decision..last fri, i told my boss i leaving early but of cos i didnt told her the real reason, i jus said sch gt presentation but i think she dun believe..who cares? i really cant stand it animore...y cant u hav so "kou de"..y ur mouth mus be so "jian"..he jus a old man, y mus u say that..dun u hav parent too..wldnt u get old too..the man jus want to sit dwn and drink his juice but jus that he too weak of wat and accidently spilt the juice but u cant say tis kind of word rite..ppl oso human being..they nid to drink too.. tis is all ppl hard earned money..they jus worry for tis..y cant u put urself in other ppl shoes..they jus askin u nicely but how can u reply them in that way..haiz..i jus cant stand ur mouth and those words that out frm ur stupid FFF mouth. the guy is jus a kid..they might nt be as smart as u but y mus u say that behind their least they r still ur customer rite..can u respect them..if u continue to do that, ur business sure pls go do some soul searching..dun always look dwn on other..always think u r very clever..u keep saying others always ask stupid qns but dun u too..dun tell mi u nv ok..all ppl tend to ask stupid qns too.
act ytd was my last day of work but she keep extend lor..idiot..and now told mi can cum bac on nxt tues and fri for the catering..siao..early morning wake up then jus go work for few hrs and the transport cost mi $4 plus lor..nt worth it..human being r so realistic..they oni think of u when they nid ur help..they oni noe u r bester and treat u gd when they nid ur help..hate those person.
wed i went to work in the morning..when i gg to take mrt, the security stopped mi lor..ask mi open my paiseh lor..dunno gt ppl saw nt..nv happen to mi b4 lor..i noe my bag look abit bulky..but i jus hate the feeling of gettin suspect lor.
last sun my dad asked mi "can u still further ur studies" and i told him "may nt" then he said if can continue it, get higher cert, gd for ur further and i do agree but wif my gpa, i dun think can get into uni lor..mayb nid to go dwn to each uni to check wif them when i free lor.
i had been thinkin of my future tis few wks..i nid to plan for it now..a person really mus b high edu orelse ppl will tend to look dwn on all student..pls study hard..orelse u will regret mi lor..i totally regret now..didnt really study hard last now suffer lor..hope it is nt too late to realise to start my last sem of final yr..i mus really work hard lor..cant always think of PLAY..getting older and older..nid to wake up and be mature..dun always do this kind of stupid and useless things..i realised aft getting noe u, i done alot alot alot of stupid, childish things lor.
If u gg to treat mi in tis way..i hav nth to say or do now..the oni way is to ignore and pretend..treat as nth happen..tis is the oni solution..i try to do anithing i can for u but u dun seen to noe that or perhaps u noe but u dun seen to care abt it..i wondering am i a idiot or wat..y mus i care so much for u ..i care but u dun care for really hurt mi lor..i hav nth to say now..i had done enough for u..i dun wan to let u afffect pls dun appear in my mind agn..
PS: haivin headache recently perhaps due to the hot weather..pain pain
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