Saturday, July 31, 2010
Very happy that the viewer rate for 夢想起飛(Live Our Dreams) By Elson Soh has shooted up to 2000 plus. Thanks for all the support. But do continue to spread it around. Received some comment from fren that have the same thought as me. One of my colleague was surprised when she saw the melody was composed by elson..LOL
Recently, feel like watching some movies, 2 movies which I feel like watching, 《唐山大地震》Aftershock & 《老牛与嫩草》Old Cow Vs Tender Grass. Wanna watch it but no one accompany me so who wanna watch it, let go together..hehe
Below is the preview of both movies...
When a mother is informed by the rescue team that, as her 7-year old twins are buried under the debris close to each other, digging one out would result in further collapse of the wreckage on the other, she is forced to make the most difficult decision of her life. As the clock ticked away, she finally ended her struggle and chose to save the boy, and though heartbroken, she had no idea her decision was overheard by the daughter. Deemed as a dead person, the little girl miraculously survived and was rescued after being buried for days. Suffering from the emotional shock of the disaster and the painful memory of her mother's choice, she refused to reveal who she was. She was adopted by a young couple and later moved to the US, but shadowed by the traumatic experience from her childhood; she forever remained emotionally closed up.
When the Sichuan earthquake takes over 80,000 lives in 2008, she volunteers to join the rescue team and returns to her homeland, China. As she witnesses the tribulations people go through when a natural disaster takes place, she finally unlocks the pain she had felt all these years and finds forgiveness. She finally reunites with the mother and twin brother she had parted from after 32 years. A human drama about finding forgiveness, 'Aftershock' depicts not only the fatal tragedy that is brought on by natural disaster of great levels but also the strength and courage that is demonstrated when we are in face of extreme and devastating situations.
Are you gay today. Wonder will there be Ep2..The video was 1 yr ago and can see the changes of elson. He can actually host very well especially in english. Hope will get to see his host and dance program soon. There will be more videos of him in the past that I had been watching recently. Will post it in the next post.
Looking forward to this song by elson "绿色革命".
Friday, July 30, 2010
我好喜欢这首歌,You'll never be mine.
是时候回到现实, 我真的好累了。。。<>
Time to go to bed, trying to adjust my sleeping time.Got some improvement as I always sleep at 2am or onward in the past but now I try to bring forward to latest by 1230am.
Yawning....Good night...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Yesterday night went to bed quite early and my sis was so surprised and ask "Why today u sleep so early"..LOL
Wasn't feeling quite well recently, not consider sick or what, just feel so weak sometimes and also keep wanted to puke..It had been so long, I think more than 1mth plus but yet still haven recover. Went to see TCM also useless. Wonder is it lack of sleep. Think I shouldn't always sleep so late too often. But am I able to do it? haha
Photo that was taken last sunday after our dinner
When you are sad, no one know. When you cried, no one will feel sad for you too so why don't you make urself happy everyday.
When you are given a chance, do grab it. If you dun treasure it and let it go, there wouldnt be a second chance for you. So do fight for it when you are young, you never know unless you try. When you decide to take the chance, please give ur best, don't take it for granted.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
FINALLY FINALLY..The MV of 梦想起飞 (Live Our Dreams) is out. 请大家系好安全带,跟苏奕铨一起梦想起飞。。。。
夢想起飛(Live Our Dreams) By Elson Soh
A Tribute To Singapore
A Little Effort By ElsonSoh
Let's Live Our Dream Together With Elson Soh !
Do Leave Your Comments About The Song In Youtube.
Hope Everyone Will Love This Song And Share This Song With Your Friends!
梦想起飞 (Live Our Dreams)
一首奉献给新加坡欢庆独立45周年的爱国歌曲, 是本地创作歌手'Elson 苏奕铨'的最新力作! 这是一首很有诚意的歌, 因为在这首歌里就包含了新加坡另外9 首动听的中文爱国歌曲名称. 除此之外, 这首MV 也很有意义, 因为每一位参与的艺人, 朋友, 工作人员和制作组, 都抱着一样的梦想, 一样的目标, 希望能为新加坡增添更多好听的爱国歌曲, 好看的爱国MV, 和给予每一个人新的希望和祝福!
全体皇室艺人, 朋友, 工作人员和制作组, 在此诚心希望每一位新加坡朋友们都能喜欢这首送给新加坡的爱国歌曲! 无论种族, 语言, 画面, 参与的新加坡朋友, 我们在此对你们说声 '谢谢你', 也祝贺新加坡 '生日快乐' 和每一位朋友幸福快乐!
I like this song and video alot. The lyric was well written and the melody was catchy. The MV was so touching. The scene that I like the most was the kid in the car, everyone holding the candle and the part YP, YT and elson hug together, it shows a sign of united & I feel so warm heart after watching it. The storyline was nice too..great!!
Didnt realise know how much effort was actually putted in to do a MV but I know it now. Thanks everyone who involved for producing such good song and MV. Thanks
I keep replaying it and listen to it..And I'm going to learn this song and I'm already half way throught the memorise of the lyric..百听不厌
I prefer elson's version, even my fren also like this too..I like this song alot and I hope everyone will like it too and do support it. Do help to spread it around. Thanks
Monday, July 26, 2010
Just reached home. Went to city square mall to watch 超級星光大道 7 audition. Wasn't in good mood recently so doesn't want to stay at home so meet up with sillykid, xuan & evon.
There was alot of people when we reached plus the weather was super hot so we went to subway while waiting. Then at around 415pm plus, we joined in as the crowd wasn't that much.
I didnt stay to the end of the event, headed down to MDIS to meet the william they all, was so excited to see the MV 梦想起飞(Live Our Dreams). When was told by william that the MV might delay, I was like "HUH, still have to wait" :(
After reached MDIS for awhile, had dinner with them as well.
Due to the nxt day I'm working, I have to left early. I stayed until 11 plus before headed to train home. Didnt realise it was so late, I almost forget about the last train. In the end, I cabbed home from kovan as I'm damn afraid to walk that slient road at the bunglow there. The taxi driver let me have a tour at kovan sia. In the end, reached home at 1230am..LOL
Heard the song and saw the preview of the MV..I really like it alot and looking forward to the NDP song sang by Elson! Can't wait for it to release SOON!!!
Do show your support to them as they putted in alot of effort in it. The MV will be release SOON! So stay tune. I'm so excited now :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Support them through your vote & let us know which artiste you hope to see and watch. Total of 10 Royal Artistes and RIG Performing Artistes are ready for you to cast you vote!
Your vote is important and it does help Campus Rock to decide which artiste showcase they will be presenting on 29 August 2010.
Who do you think will win the highest votes? The Royal Artiste or the RIG Performing Artiste? Cast your vote now for your favorite Royal Artiste / RIG Performing Artiste today!
Click to vote now at
The artistes with the most votes will be able to have a showcase singing a series of songs to thank their supporter! Do vote for them to show them your support!
RIG Artistes need you guys support:)
Closing Date for Voting: 20 August 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wake up early, met evon, serena, william, elson & joseph at chinatown. And headed down to dreambox studio. I was so excited for this day because I had been wishing to see how a recording was actually done. And thanks william for letting us to join them..thanks
18th July, it was a day for the recording of 梦想起飞. It was a chinese version of ND song sing by Elson Soh, together with Dayan Tan and Shanice Koh (Co-Singers). It is a very very nice song. The melody is catchy and lyrics was well-written. The melody keep flushing out and I can roughly hum it. I'm in love with this song...梦想起飞..
The sound engineer was 小龙. I found him very familiar at the 1st sight and when I heard his name, I found him even more familar. Was thinking was he the one from Superband. And after clarify with william & YP, I'm not wrong, I didnt know he has a music studio.
Went to puchase some gift for elson, YT & YP but only manage to see YP's fav elmo so bought a monster cookies for elson and big bird for YT because of the colour as we didnt get to see stitch or sponge plush toys. Hope they like it..hehe..I start to like cookies monster because it's in blue...haha
Went to macdonal with serena, evon, YT & YP before joining the rest at dreambox studio.
Didnt have time to check the toys because it was bought secretly. And YP almost spotted us..LOL.. In the end, the eyes of the cookies monster was...haiz
Finally got 1 pic wif YP's smile showing his teeth..haha
YP look so Wu
The recording ended at around 8pm plus and elson have to rush back to camp and he didnt have his meal from 12pm poor thing. Should have bought something for him to eat..haiz..didnt expect the recording to be so long.
I really must say Elson is really a nice and hardworking guy. He can even skip his meal or his only off day to make good music and it really show his passion of music. Everyone do show your support to them when the song is release..thanks
Now I know how much of effort is actually putted in to make an album and how much of time is actually spended to come out with just a recording of a song. A track can be just 3 or 4mins duration but behind it, how long was spended? A few sentence can took up whole day. Being a singer is not easy. Doing a album is not easy too. So fren, do support them.
After that went to have dinner cum supper with the rest except elson & joseph. 1st time to chat with edwin 大哥. Learned alot from the conversation.
This is part of what I had learnt today:
1) 得人恩果千千记
2) 不要把别人对你的好当做理所当然
3) 别人会给你机会但你要懂得珍惜
4) 成果不是一召一夕,而是靠努力
Have a enjoyable day with them. And I enjoy my day spend with RIG family too.
I'm so excited and looking forward to the Chinese version of the ndp song 梦想起飞 sang by Elson n rig. I prefer this version and like it soo much. Hope everyone will show ur support when the release of this song!!:):) Thanks
It remind me of my sec sch time, I wrote a lyrics for sch national day too..The melody was from 关怀方式。Was very happy that it being picked by my teacher but due to some reason, it wasnt performed out but I'm very happy as well.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Today after work, went to kovan to see TCM about my vomit phenomenon. Now have to avoid cold drink and Greasy food..haiz
After seeing doctor, went to farrer park city square mall for youthbox event. Met shuping first and follow by evon, sillykid and william.
Had a long chat with william at burger king. From the conversation, I learnt alot. I finally know what does unplug

Chatted until 10pm and home sweet home.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Pic taken from YP's blog
Read YP's blog and saw this entries.
life is short, and one should aim to live as happy as one can. There isn't a second life for anyone, so if you don't enjoy life now, then when? After reading this sentence, I really have to nod my head. It do make me to have some thinking to it and the conclusion I got was: 快乐是一天,不快乐也是一天,那为什么不选择快乐来度过每一天呢..I do hope I'm able to do it..Working hard on progress!!!
I realised I start to like Elmo now. Should say I got influence by YP. I'm using Elmo's pic as my office desktop wallpaper, hope it will help me to be more cheerful and hope I can get Elmo's love and joy. Now, I should see Elmo as a role model..hehe
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I really didnt expect myself to wait for that long, I should have walk instead. I should have reach my house by the time I borad the bus. I really hate it...I'm glad this situation wasn't happen in the morning. How come the bus can delay until that long?
Everyone changed to taxi and I just keep waiting. Wanted to walk instead but was damn tired. Really hope their situation won't happen again...PLEASE!!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
1st impression of him was : nice, friendly. He was the 1st singer I went for event and support. I never met such nice & friendly singer. Although we didnt chat much on that day.

Elson has changed alot. I mean his appearances and face look difference from the past. I like the image of him wearing no lens spec and collar shirt. I didnt realise the spec gt no lens until last sunday..LOL
2nd meet up was during gathering at pizza place. I still remember I keep bully him, don't let him walk
So fast 1 yr gone and during this 1 yr, he had grown up. I feel that he is a person who doesn't give up so easily.
I'm glad to know him and he added alot of colour to my life. As I'm a person who doesn't go out at all in the past but after I know him, I went to alot of place that I never been to for his event and also learnt alot from him too. I treat and care for him as a bro.
Elson: Thanks for making my year 2009 & 2010 so wonderful.
Monday, July 12, 2010

Above photos was taken at Mrt station. So many people walking and must be thinking what we doing? LOL
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Date: 10th July 2010
Venue: Bukit Timah Plaza
Knocked off at 1pm and had my lunch 1st before headed down to bukit timah plaza for RIG event. Before that had a cry but feeling better after that.
10th July was the day that I looked forward to. And it didnt disappointed me at all as it was a nice performance. Everyone did very well, Jiayou !!
I still remember the last time I heard elson perform on stage was on 21st Feb at Sembanwang shopping centre. It was like almost 4mth plus, I miss his performance. He did very well and he improved alot. When he sang the 祝你幸福 with Joseph, it really sound different from his previous.
I like the 2nd song 爱你躲你. It had been so long since I heard this song again. Reminded me of Daniel Chan..hee
It was my 1st time to see Joy dance. She doesnt look like a person with no basic knowledge on dancing...Jiayou Joy!!!
I like 王妃 this song very much. First time to heard YP sing such Rock song. Jiayou!!
Finally elson turn to perform. He suppose to sing 2 songs but he added in 2 more songs. I was quite shock when I heard he going to sing 2 more songs as I was damn afraid my memory card not enough space. I'm glad it didn't, left few
Yp wrote the message for so long sia. He must be tired as he was squating down. He look so serious while writing and autograph the photo so I took down the picture of him..haha