Date: 10th July 2010
Venue: Bukit Timah Plaza
Knocked off at 1pm and had my lunch 1st before headed down to bukit timah plaza for RIG event. Before that had a cry but feeling better after that.
10th July was the day that I looked forward to. And it didnt disappointed me at all as it was a nice performance. Everyone did very well, Jiayou !!
I still remember the last time I heard elson perform on stage was on 21st Feb at Sembanwang shopping centre. It was like almost 4mth plus, I miss his performance. He did very well and he improved alot. When he sang the 祝你幸福 with Joseph, it really sound different from his previous.
I like the 2nd song 爱你躲你. It had been so long since I heard this song again. Reminded me of Daniel Chan..hee
It was my 1st time to see Joy dance. She doesnt look like a person with no basic knowledge on dancing...Jiayou Joy!!!
It was game time. I like to watch event with game as we can relax & laugh.
I like 王妃 this song very much. First time to heard YP sing such Rock song. Jiayou!!
Finally elson turn to perform. He suppose to sing 2 songs but he added in 2 more songs. I was quite shock when I heard he going to sing 2 more songs as I was damn afraid my memory card not enough space. I'm glad it didn't, left few
Me with elson. He was damn sick on that day but he still present himself there. so good of him right? And still zai pian for us. So nice of him.
My 4th photo with YP. while taking this photo, I feel my forehead quite itchy and now I know what is the reason that casue it...Ans: because of YP's hair..LOL
Yp wrote the message for so long sia. He must be tired as he was squating down. He look so serious while writing and autograph the photo so I took down the picture of him..haha
Everythings ended at ard 530pm and we had our photo taking session while waiting for the rest. But I really don't have the mood to take at the end, so sit downwith shuping at the corner and have a heart to heart talk and anjie joined us later. Feel much better after that. Thanks for listening.
Went off at around 830pm. Actually wanted to watch movie but the time slot was too late so went to PS with angie, jess, YP, max, joy, Yiting, wei. The bus journey was quite long. Had our dinner and chit chat seesion at XIn wang cafe and headed home at 10+pm.
Had a enjoyable day....
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