Went to explore around. Took a rest @ the balcony side of swee lee cafe, chit chat session started. After the showcase ended, we wented in. Everyone was busy asking for autograph and photo-taking and yet I just sat there quietly.
After that, left swee lee cafe @ ard 530pm and the whole grp of us headed down to Causeway to have dinner with William.
Before we left scape, saw the SCAPE wording and reminded me of RIG artiste. So we went to took one too..hehe

While waiting for the train, photo again
While inside the train, we will so lame to play with all kind of pose. Keep taking photo non-stop.

Finally reached causeway, went to foodcourt to have our dinner and also chit chat session. After that, headed to Arcade to have funs. It was like super long ago since I stepped into Arcade again, I think should have 10 yrs plus bah..OMG
Played a games that require us to hit damn hard on the button and it result me to have a red and painful hand in the end but it was also a good way for me to vent out all my angry..haha

2 hrs gathering with william ended with eating, chit-chat, photo-taking & Gaming. Wanna thanks William for the drinks and soup. And of course the elson donut.

Took a group photo before we bid goodbye. Enjoyed alot. It was really damn happy to have funs and laugh. Thanks WILLIAM for the night!! Hope you like the gift.
PS: 为什么人能如此的假,为什么永远都戴着面具。。心已融化了。。。。谁能告诉我,我还能相信谁?