Elson & Faith Showcase Cum Elson's Bday Party
Date: 5th Sep 2010
Venue:Swee Lee Cafe
Date: 5th Sep 2010
Venue:Swee Lee Cafe
Time really flies...I have known Elson for more than a year. Still remember his grand 21st birthday party last year. I'm so honour to be able to attend it.
So fast, another year gone. And he is 22 now. He keep saying he is old..Perhaps should say he has grown up. LOL
Finally after a long waiting, Elson is going to release his debut album in NOVEMBER!! Had been waiting for it since July last year lor..but now still gt 58 days to go..Still have to wait..Faster Faster..hehe
I'm damn looking forward to it and hope everyone will show your support to him. Thanks
Stay tune for more updates too!!:):)
Back to main topic. It was Elson and Faith's Showcase at Swee Lee Cafe! It was a successful one!
Reached there early @ 1pm, slacked around until 3plus and event started.
Swee Lee Cafe @ Scape. A very nice place for gathering and relax :)

After the event, was bored while waiting for their meeting to end. The rest of us played some game & also phototaking session
说了再见 - 从没听过这首歌但自从Elson唱过后,我便喜欢这个版本
背叛 —Faith
When Faith Sang this song, my emotion came. Alot of memories came which make me damn upset for a moment. But feel really better after a small cry. Thanks Shuping.
Alot of people said I look emo on that day. But what is the reasons that cause it? Perhaps recently alot of things is bothering me.
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