4th Sep 2010
Terminal 3
It was a damn busy Saturday. Knocked off @ 1pm and went to shop for elson's birthday present for the whole afternoon. After walked for damn long, finally got it. But feet was damn painful. It is really tough to get a gift for guy especially for elson. Hope he like the present.
Reached home @ 615pm and rested for 1 hr and headed off to airport to send XG off. GAthered with the rest @ mrt station. Was trying to hold my emotion but bcos of sillykid who reminded me, my emotion came. Thank to Joycelyn for comfort me.
YPMP Owner is leaving, quite afew of the adorrable cried. Including Chief adorable and myself assistant chief adorable. We just can't stop the tears from rolloing down. Stopped and back again..haiz
Total of 13 adorables came to send owner off. Joycelyn, Shixian, Shixuan, Esther, Summer, Joanna, Valerie, Irene, SillyKid, Kenneth, Shing Hoong, including Chief & assistant Chief adorable.
He is now @ Brussels, Belgium and heading for Amsterdam, Holland.
Hoping to receive more of his news soon!! Wish him all the best in UK..must study hard and score well. At the same time must take good care of yourself.
We will miss you!
Thanks evon for making this YPMP Badge for me & YP. I like it alot. ThanksEdited by Evon. Her photo edit skill is damn good

Event: Bad Romance Friday Cum YP's Farewell Party
Date: 3rd Sep 2010
Venue: Swee Lee Cafe
Went for YP's farewell party @ Swee Lee Cafe after work. Was damn looking forward to the event. Whole day @ work, my mind was about this..LOL
Event started @ 8pm. Zhenhuan came too. But didnt manage to take a picture with him although he was sitting beside me.
The most enjoyable part of the event was elson singing and dancing "Sorry Sorry" and also "Bad Romance". I never seen such a side of him before, I mean during event. He was so dare to show on that day. I had been waiting to see his dance and this really surprised me..LOL
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