I think I'm not going to apply for university. I will look for a job first. I applied a lot of job on the spot and handed a few resume yesterday. After the talk and fair, I think I had come to a conclusion on the job applying. There are few jobs in my list right now. I think I will spend this few days looking at their website. Took a lot of brochure and some freebies, carry until my hand super painful.

Freebies and brochures ( My brochures more than freebies) mean I'm not aiming for the freebies..haha..The only freebies I aimed was the pencil, the rest was given by others.

I should had carry these 2 bags instead of this big paper bag. The big paper bag was so bulky when I took the bus. Actually asked my brother to drive me home but too bad, he was not on the way.
Finished my customer relationship management presentation on thursday but this time I was not involved in the presentation. So now still left with the one and only which is techno. Actually our group should finish all our presentation by yesterday but we extended our techno presentation to next wed. I know most of my classmates had finished all and relaxing now, ENVIOUS. And also in 2 more days of lesson, which is Wednesday & Thursday and after, perhaps all of us will be going our separate way.
Monday: Had my supply chain quiz. This quiz was the most unforgettable quiz because first time my brain was totally off when I saw the 1st question so I guess I don’t need to continue saying anymore as you can guess on it, I don’t know how to do the rest of the questions as well so I guess will score quite badly for this quiz. But since it’s over so let not think about it anymore.
Tuesday: In the end, I changed my mind. Didn’t went to Wang JinLun and Shi SinHui concert because I was quite tired and lazy to wait for 630pm to reach so I gave it to Jiahui as she wanted to watch it. So in order not to waste the ticket, I gave it to her but with a condition that is help me take the photo and video of them. Below are the photo as for the video, i will upload another day. (all photo credit belong to Jiahui). Thank for helping.

Thursday: Had my career communication interview. I was so nervous that I keep playing with my blouse but luckily teacher didn’t saw it. I really must say my teacher really can read my mind. But overall I guess should be ok although got bad comments too which I quite upset when she said my blouse. I spend the effort to buy a new blouse and it cost me so expensive but what I get in the end? But I shouldn’t dwell about it since it was over.
I’m waiting for you to step out the first moves.
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