Date: 8 May 2010 (Sat)
Time: 4-6m
Venue: Orchard K union
After so many days of dragging, I'm done with my long post. Went to Hellofm event last sat. It was my first time been to Kbox. Went down after work and meet shuping at somerset station. While crossing the traffic, it started to rain. Everyone just run and we was totally wet. Reached at around 330pm and sat outside. While waiting for the rest to come, elson reached. I was shocked when I saw him, he slimmed down alot. He really must take good care of himself.
The event started with a introduction of each programme & DJ, follow by 歌唱表演,罐頭劇場,模仿秀。
The event was fun and interesting. They have games session too. I was quite afraid when the DJ came down and look for audience to play games, I was praying "Please don't look or walk over here"..LOL
The part that I like was Kadon & max 模仿秀. Kadon imitate his idol Arron Kwok & Max imitate Show luo. Didn't know Kadon know how to imitate..Their performance was excellent, outstanding and deserves praise. Damn interesting and funny too and also kadon, max & steve perform 离开地球表面的表演也很棒,带动了气氛。Overall the event was funs but to me, I feel its too short. Perhaps becasue it was interesting and I hope for more..hehe Now I know why Kadon told me the event will be very funny.
Actually was quite sad that the voting competition was cancelled. Had been trying very hard to vote it but in the end, everything just wasted. No outcome..haiz

U R THE MAN James was there too. Saw him when I was went out and found this guy quite familiar. Didnt know it was him at the 1st place..hehe

Games time. This game was damn funny and tired. When the number shoot up 16, I was thinking who will be the one going to do that 16 turns and it ends up to be kadon. So poor thing. Acually 16 is nt the most, it even shoot up to 39, I was thinking OMG so many, the person who is doing 39 must be very tiring & giddy bah. In the end, kadon was the winner..

Hello Fm DJ

Shuping, me, shi xian & shi xuan

I like this cartoon of the DJ. Damn cute. It was draw by Kadon. I know he spended alot of time & effort to draw this. Really hard on you. 画的很好,把他/她们的轮廓都画出来了. I can recognise it. So talented right? hehe

Mandy, me, elson & shuping(Didnt chat much with elson too, luckily he reminded us to take a photo with him before he left for other event)

Kadon & me. Had a hard time taking with him. Took about 4 or 5 times before 1 was successful. In order to take this photo with him, waited for almost 30 mins plus for him. Actually wanted to have dinner with mandy they all after the event but was dragged and in the end, just forget it.
Didnt manage to take photo with YP. After I realise, he has disappear..LOL
Kadon, Max & Steve Performance
Actually I also recorded YP Performance but the sound of my video was damn CMI, can't really heard what he was singing. So will not upload it. But just feel so weird, compare to YP video, Kadon video was much better, at least can heard their singing. Weird.
After the event, we stay back for a small chat with the rest and everything ended at around 830pm. Max, Kadon & Serena went off first but in the end we saw each other at MRT station. So trained down with William, Joseph, shuping, Serena, Mandy & Kadon except Max, shi xian & shi xuan as max went to buy birthday card and shi xian & shi xuan taking the opp train.
PS; I do remember my promise to you. Will blog it soon. Sorry for the delete
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