Digital camera
Yesterday was too tired and went to sleep qite early and this morning saw my hp with 15 over missed calls..LOL.
Went to shop for digital camera. There are so many model, design and brand to choose. I'm having a headache on which to choose now but at this moment, the one that capture my attention was Samsung ST-60 and Samsung PL150. I really have no ideas which one is better as I'm quite a IT idiot..haha..Have not really thought of buying a digital camera until recently I found that the sound of the video that I recorded using my hp was really bad. So I guess it is time to get a digital camera.
Went to shop for digital camera. There are so many model, design and brand to choose. I'm having a headache on which to choose now but at this moment, the one that capture my attention was Samsung ST-60 and Samsung PL150. I really have no ideas which one is better as I'm quite a IT idiot..haha..Have not really thought of buying a digital camera until recently I found that the sound of the video that I recorded using my hp was really bad. So I guess it is time to get a digital camera.

PS: Why am I having such feeling? Why my heart will feel sour when I saw his status
Song for the day:
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