Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jiahui reminded me to update my blog, said my blog is rotting so I better update. If not going to cover with dust. So tired and sleepy now because yesterday sleep at 4am plus . Later still need to work.

Above is the rainbow after rain. Saw it from my house on Wednesday so took down the picture. Nice right? Seldom get to see rainbow and this time was my 2nd or 3rd time in my life to see it. 1st time was at a playground when I was a kid. Just don’t know why I always get so excited when I heard the word “rainbow”. Rainbow is always so beautiful and nice. Love it.

I’m dame angry with myself. Missed that phone call and I guess that person wouldn’t call back again.

Why must my handphone no battery at that moment?
Why must I listen to radio from my handphone?
Why must the person call at that time?
Why the person didn’t call back?

Finally got time to touch my youtube show. Had not been touching for 2 months plus due to school work. Just finish watching 霹雳MIT Ep5 (Mysterious Incredible Terminator). Always love those type of show that got 科幻, 推理 and 神秘. One of my favorites is “金田一少年事件簿”but now seldom got broadcast on TV.

Ok nothing to write. Going to bath and get ready for work. Will try to update soon.

Life is always full of regret.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Below are the 2 pairs of shoes that I bought yesterday. The pair on the left costs $19.90 and on the right costs $29.90. Is it expensive? I think should be ok but my mother said quite expensive .

So happy, finally have sort of ladies shoes. Yesterday went to Joo chiat complex to shop for shoes of my size. Due to my big elephant leg, it was so tough for me to buy shoes. So recently, I look through Internet and found a palce, which sell big sizes shoes so I went there yesterday. The shop sells a lot of big sizes shoes. First times I keep request for smaller and smaller sizes after I tried a few of the shoes. I think I will patronize the shop again because I still want to buy some more. I’m going broke soon.

Yesterday went back to campus for a career guide talk. Before I head off to my campus, I went to Century Square first to shop. I saw a blouse, which i've been eyeing for very long. But it costs $40 plus and also a skirt which costs almost $50. So I have to think about it first before I buy. How I wish the 1st digit of the price is starts with 3 instead. Should I buy?

So many things want to buy, hope I be able to find a job soon. I want perm job but not a lot. If I found a job, those things below is definitely needed

1) Clothes (especially Office wear)
2) Shoes (perhaps not high heels because I’m tall enough..LOL)
3) Bags (Office type)

Saw some blouse, tops and skirts during online shopping but still thinking want to buy not because the range is around $39.90 to $69.90. All of those need money. $$$$$$

I finally feel the pressure when my sister asked me those questions.

Sister: Now you finished your poly studies so what you intend to do?

Me: Still got what, go look for job.

Sister: So how the feeling of going to step out of school life and start working?After study for so long, it's time for you to earn $ and contribute to the family..

Suddenly I feel the burden on my shoulder getting heavy. I really not mentally prepared yet. HELP?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Yesterday I couldn’t get to sleep, start tossing and turning on my bed from 1am to 3.30am but I still couldn’t get to sleep. Something keeps flushing out from my mind. I just don’t understand. The word “WHY” keep flushing out. I just couldn’t figure out the answer. Perhaps争一只眼 闭一只眼 will be a good solution to it.

Sometime I hate myself for being so softhearted, why couldn’t I be callous. Why I always say out something cruel but in the end it doesn’t turn out to be in that way.

Sometimes things don’t need to speak out so clearly.

Friday, February 13, 2009

宊然心血来潮 想要用中文来写部落格 昨天是我在理工学院的最后一天 我的16年学生生涯就要画上句点了 可是还要等到五月的时候才能拿到文凭(如果顺利)而我应该是开心才对 但我有种莫名的心情 心情是难免有点不舍 也许是因为有了一点感情 毕竟在这也有3年了 人往往都会对旧的事物有种依依不舍的成份在里面 当初我并没有想过要报读理工学院 但现在已经快要毕业了。在23年后的今天 我就要开始找寻我的工作生涯。

在这3年的学生生涯里 有快乐也有悲伤 而从中我学会了很多 我也看清了许多。好的回忆我会永远记在心里 而不好的 我会把它遗忘。

有人说过朋友就是要互相利用 这才是朋友 但我认为应该是互相帮忙而不是互相利用。利用完了就把你扔在一旁,需要你的时候就对你很好 这感受有点像后备轮胎 所以在我23年里,我从来不相信有所谓的好朋友 如果有的话 也不会长久。 

“实话” 有时候我不知是否要对你说实话 如果不说实话又会害了你也会伤到自己 但如果说实话又怕你那难以接受又不服输的性格再次从现 是时候成熟了。

最近我被一位朋友搞的我有点乱 不知是否如我所想的原因 还是我疑心病重?但不管怎样 希望是我多疑了。

最近都在忙于找工作 我在错的时候毕业 现在要找也有点困难 所以要把自己的目标降底一点 我有点后悔在假期里没有找行政那一方面的工作 而这使我在找工作时有点阻碍 因为我并不符合。

这段日子 我不知道怎么的 常常想起过去自己的错处 想起自己昔日的幼稚 想起自己的愚蠢行为 或者是时间还是被环景所逼 使我向成熟的阶梯前近!我不能在像从前那样 完全不为未来打算 每天只把时间花在无为的事物和人身上  最近的心情真的是很不好 也没心情做平时喜欢做的事。

时间慢慢的近 我想这些日子我是想太多了 我不知道你到底在想什么 有时从你的话语能找到一些蛛丝马迹 但是你从来没有什么表示 我还记得你问我的那3个问题 而那3个问题就是让我想不通 但这个问题的答案也许永远都不会有你的答案。

明天是情人节了,希望成双成对的情人 能够珍惜对方 不要等到失去了才后悔 要相识已经是一种很难遇见的事 更何况是在一起 世上有千千万万的人 为何却遇见你 而没情人的也不必难过 情人节也可以跟朋友一起庆祝 因为如果我们以乐观的态度去看待 情人节的情也可以是友情的情。

人的一生就像蹺蹺板 有起符也有降落

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Haiz..going to graduate soon but my future was like so shadowy to me as I was not sure what kind of job I really want. I’m quite afraid to make the wrong choice. But luckily TP got career fair yesterday starting from 10am to 6pm. I signed up for talks starting from 1030am but I was late for about 20 minutes because someone approached us so delayed my time. And the talk was the most I'm interested which is the CPF, so only attended less than 10 mins talk. In between we keep running in and out because we wanted to get the brochure. And the stupid air con was like no working at all. I was sweating like tap water. I went home at 5.30pm, as I didn’t attend the last talk by NUS because stomach was not feeling quite well.

I think I'm not going to apply for university. I will look for a job first. I applied a lot of job on the spot and handed a few resume yesterday. After the talk and fair, I think I had come to a conclusion on the job applying. There are few jobs in my list right now. I think I will spend this few days looking at their website. Took a lot of brochure and some freebies, carry until my hand super painful.

Freebies and brochures ( My brochures more than freebies) mean I'm not aiming for the freebies..haha..The only freebies I aimed was the pencil, the rest was given by others.

I should had carry these 2 bags instead of this big paper bag. The big paper bag was so bulky when I took the bus. Actually asked my brother to drive me home but too bad, he was not on the way.

Finished my customer relationship management presentation on thursday but this time I was not involved in the presentation. So now still left with the one and only which is techno. Actually our group should finish all our presentation by yesterday but we extended our techno presentation to next wed. I know most of my classmates had finished all and relaxing now, ENVIOUS. And also in 2 more days of lesson, which is Wednesday & Thursday and after, perhaps all of us will be going our separate way.

Monday: Had my supply chain quiz. This quiz was the most unforgettable quiz because first time my brain was totally off when I saw the 1st question so I guess I don’t need to continue saying anymore as you can guess on it, I don’t know how to do the rest of the questions as well so I guess will score quite badly for this quiz. But since it’s over so let not think about it anymore.

Tuesday: In the end, I changed my mind. Didn’t went to Wang JinLun and Shi SinHui concert because I was quite tired and lazy to wait for 630pm to reach so I gave it to Jiahui as she wanted to watch it. So in order not to waste the ticket, I gave it to her but with a condition that is help me take the photo and video of them. Below are the photo as for the video, i will upload another day. (all photo credit belong to Jiahui). Thank for helping.

Thursday: Had my career communication interview. I was so nervous that I keep playing with my blouse but luckily teacher didn’t saw it. I really must say my teacher really can read my mind. But overall I guess should be ok although got bad comments too which I quite upset when she said my blouse. I spend the effort to buy a new blouse and it cost me so expensive but what I get in the end? But I shouldn’t dwell about it since it was over.

I’m waiting for you to step out the first moves.