Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Today is the last day of Year 2010..2010 is coming to the end soon. And we are going to welcome Year 2011.

As 2010 coming to the end, it is time for us to look back.
To sum it up, year 2010 is a good and as well a bad year for me. There are good times and bad times, up and down moments.

Time files..I feel that time just passed us sooooo fast and as we grown, we tend to think a lot and will encountered lots of problem. Being an adult, we faced alot of problem too. I really miss my teenage times, as it’s the most unforgettable.

My life start to have colors in it since I get to know Elson & RIG ..I cant imagine that I had know william & elson for almost 1 & half yr plus and also support elson on his music path for so long.

During this year, there are big changes in me too. I had been a very shy, quiet, no confident & introverted person. I always stay at home most of the time so I dont have much friend as well. I always live in my own world.

I'm not a idol chaser or really support any star or singer at all. But after knowing Elson & RIG, my life changed. I start to step out of the house, learn how to communicate with people, start to take the initiative and talk more.

From the past, I'm a person who doesnt take the initiative on most of the things. So most of the time I remain quiet. But now this is the past of me. Although sometime I still remain quiet but I hope I have become more active now.

Actually I’m an road idiot, I have no direction too because I seldom go out. I will only go out with a reason on it. I'm much better now as I explore most of the place due to event.

During this year, there are new and old faces appearing in my life too. I got to know a bunch of new people too. Especially through Royal, I got to know Royal Performancing Group people like Peter, Joanne, Jessica, Celin, micka, Stephen, Eddy, Karen & also Royal Artist Yiting & Yumi plus new joined Dayan Boay.

People from EME like Sillykid, Shuping, Joycelyn, Kenneth, Valerie, Irene, Summer & also Shi xuan & Shixian.

Also also those old friend like William, Elson, Joseph & Serena..

I'm glad to know william. If wasnt giving a chance by him to be part of EMEFC (Elson Music Empire Fanclub) committe, I wouldnt get a chance to learn so much things from him. EME was given a chance to assist him in his events and I also get to see how he closed a business deal within a few hours talk, the way of doing business as well. Actually I've learnt a lot of things from him.

I would like to thank the following person. Thanks for making my life so interesting and colourful. Thanks for all the happy times and laughter.

Elson: Thanks for trying to make me laugh with all your lame jokes when I EMO..Thank for so many things :)

William: Thanks for your advice, encourgement, care & concern.

Joseph, Serena, Bryan, Peter, Joanne, Celin, Micka, Stephen, Jian Zhong-ge, Jessica, Eddy, Karen, Dayan Boay, Yumi, Sillykid, Shuping, Summer, ShiXuan, ShiXian, Joycelyn, Kenneth, Valerie, Irene & Youthbox's Friends. (Do forgive me if I left your name out)

My New Year's New Wish...Hope

1.Elson can have a stage that belong to him.

2.Elson's Debut Album Great Sales

3.Elson can expand his music career in taiwan

4. Elson become more famous.

5.Elson's effort can be recognise soon.

6.EME can walk the road down with elson forever.

7. Every friend of mine stay healthy and happy.

My Resolution

1) Be more independent
2) Be more confidence
3) Be more brave
4) Save more $
5) Be more positive thinking
6) Be happy always
7) more to go

Hope 2011 will be a good, happy & better year for me..:) 572 Days

Monday, December 27, 2010

看了很多集的《梦。窑匠》Dream Potters 后,强忍着的眼泪又掉下了。。感触良多,同时也发现自己很幸福。我们可以选择拥有开心或不快乐,但对于别人,他/她们却只能这样过一生。我很喜欢看这类的节目,因为它会让我思考人生,然后以另一个角度去对待生活。






Thursday, December 16, 2010

15th Dec 是一个开心的一天。。。
  • Bryan's Showcase



  • Elson'sAlbum

终于拥有Elson Soh 苏奕铨 “完整專輯”,但我却舍不得打开。。好喜欢專輯的封面。。我很喜欢那张海报。。。如果还没购买,那行动就要快点。。大家一起支持苏奕铨

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Elson's Music World



NDP 2010 Live Our Dreams (梦想起飞) - Elson Soh 苏奕铨

这是一首Elson 苏奕铨奉献给新加坡欢庆独立45周年的爱国歌曲。这是一首很有诚意的歌, MV 也很有意义, 我很喜欢这首歌和Video.歌词写的很好,我也很喜欢这首歌的旋律。当我看到MV后,有种感动的感觉,由其是当大家一起拿着蜡烛,很有一家的感觉。

My Lifestyle 生活日记 (Episode 1)


苏奕铨 - 替代品 (LIVE 全新创作) 房间版


苏奕铨 - 祝你幸福 (自制 Guitar 录影) 房间版


以下几首是我从没听过,但听了Elson唱后,我便开始喜欢。 每当听到Elson的版本,我总是觉得很难过,唱得好有感情喔!! 有了多一份伤感。

王力宏 - 你不知道的事 (自制 Guitar 录影) 房间版

苏有朋 - 擦肩而过 (自制 Keyboard 录影) 房间版

李玖哲 - 最后的那一天 (自制 Keyboard 录影) 房间版

Elson 苏奕铨 (Royal Artiste) - 离歌 - 要你挑战歌手来踢馆

第一次尝试这样的歌曲和曲风 ,让人异想不到的惊喜。我从没想过Elson会唱这首歌,从已前认识到现在,他都是唱慢歌或舒情歌较多。这是我第一次听到所以有点惊讶。这首“离歌”很不容易唱,但是他却做到了。

近来,他的这首“Saranghamnida” 在YES.933 醉心龙虎榜介绍过,一首对我很梦幻的情歌。虽然之前只听过几次,但我已爱上这首歌。。好喜欢它的旋律和歌词,特别是这段歌词 《王子的天天想念 唤不到公主对他的爱念 童话故事的结局不是该完美 王子的夜夜寂寞 公主是否依然听得见 只想对你说声 Saranghamnida》。。

请支持 Elson Soh 苏奕铨的这首“Saranghamnida, 让这首歌上榜,让更多人认识这首好歌。

Saturday, November 20, 2010


邻家男孩 - 苏奕铨

苏奕铨, 一位从U频道<梦幻KISS之男>的比赛让更多人认识到他, 同时也是<梦幻KISS之男>的冠军, 他也是女友杂志票选为25大之一的男友。

一位在2006年发行了一张单曲<祝你幸福> 过后,在2009 年在度推出了第二张单曲<<了解>>

其实,苏奕铨第一个比赛并不是在2009年的<梦幻KISS之男>而是在2005 年参加 Teenage Magazine 所主办的 Teenage Icon 比赛。


认识Elson后,他不只让我看到他对音乐的执著,也让我看到他的努力。虽然他年纪很轻却经历了比自己同年龄的更多。对我来说,Elson 是一位很坚强,不管遇到什么挫折 ,他都不曾想放弃,虽然他偶儿会难过,但难过之后,他反而勇敢面对它,勇敢追求理想,也不会放弃,是一位学习的典范。

他也不会因为自己是艺人而有艺人的包袱,或有所谓的形象包袱。 他就像个邻家男孩,从不高傲, 也不会有任何距离,而他就像大家的朋友, 可以有说有笑。他是我见过最友善的艺人,也是一位很值得支持的艺人歌手。



对我而言,他就像个“不倒翁”,不管风多大,不管遇到任何 他永远都不会被打倒的。虽然只有二十二岁,他已创作不少歌曲,也懂许多乐器。他是一位多才多艺。

他也很有爱心,也爱行善。他曾经在2008年写了一首慈善歌曲<爱无极限>给四川受难者, 也参与了演唱, 制作和宣传活动等等。而今年二月二十六日,他也出席了“让爱照亮”的慈善活动。

他不只让人陶醉在他的歌声, 他参于过 "PS只想说声对不起" 和 "Bioskin让你好看",他的演技也获得好评!

在去年十月六日,这是他的第一次戏剧演出,Elson 饰演一位叛逆的少年。而他也把角色坏的太度表现的很好。

今年三月十八日,Elson 参与了“Bioskin要你好看”。这次的角色是比较搞笑一点,他饰演一位有青春痘的男生。

而在今年三月二十五,经过第一和第二次,他演的更好。我很喜欢他说这句话时的表情 - “拜拖啦,我的脸油到可以煎蛋”。好可爱。。




过去,他付出了很多,他一直不断地在努力,一直在改变,一直在求进步,一直不断学习, 因为他希望能把好音乐带给大家和每个人分享,但这一切的努力都有了成果。



今年十一月, 苏奕铨即将要发行他筹备已久的专辑。一位能弹琴,玩吉打,作词,作曲, 制作,和声,编曲 ,创作的一位新人即将来临,请多多支持他。

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Not my day

Yesterday was not a good day for me. Having fever & feeling so weak.

The day before during work, at late afternoon, suddenly has a feverish feeling and whole body was so weak. I bear with it until I knock off and when reached home, I took my temperature, it was 38 degree.

During midnight, my face was hot to the max but I was too weak to wake up and take any medicine for it.

When I wake up, flu, cough, headache, body ache, fever and sore eyes visited me. So went to see doctor, at first I thought my fever was gone but it wasnt.

Now the medicine is causing me to feel so sleepy. This time was my 1st time afraid of taking medicine..but I know if I want to get well soon, I have to bear with the bitter..I'm telling myself I can do it, bear with it for few more days.
Feeling much better aft taking medicine, no wonder is called "苦口良药".

I'm feeling damn sleepy and weak due to the effect of the medicine. But I cant keep sleeping. Although I'm better now but I have to stay at home today as my mum afraid I will catch the virus outside which make me damn upset now, I have to miss out so many things.

All I can say is why must I have fever at this time? haiz

I love this song of elson's version..I love his unique vocal


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

William's birthday Celebration
7th Nov 2010
Rock N Ash Cafe

It was a big day as it was William birthday. There was a celebration held at Rock N Ash Cafe which located at Marina Link. It was a busy day as well.

Before the celebration start, went to collect the birthday cup cake first and rushed down as I thought they will be on time..LOL. The cup cake was damn nice, cute and unique. Stay tune for the cute cup cake design by continue reading it..hehe

It was my second time to Rock N Ash. After reached, arrange the cupcake and wait for the rest to come.

TADA!!! Unique cuteeeee......and nice..hope william like it. Who say birthday must have birthday cake, we can go for cupcake as well.

Guess who was the one finished 4 bowls of soup..Ans is elson..I really can't believe with my eyes..guess he must be damn hungry..hehe

After the birthday songs, it was speech & wishes time by william. I was so touched by his speech especially the part he mention how hard he had gone through and more. After his speech, I saw tears rolling in his eyes and it was my 1st time to saw him in this status. This time I manage to control my emotion..

After that, he distributed each of the cupcake to everyone, including a message by him.

I got a letter 'I" but I forgot what is stand for and why is it for me. But thanks

Elson's cupcake was so cute..rabbit rabbit..Look like him right? LOL..Elson like slimed down sia...hehe

The 2 gift bought for him. I have a hard time of what to buy for him. After spending 2 days of shopping, I decided to go for customize Items. Luckily it was out on time as I did it the day before. As for why I decided this 2 gifts was becasue..

Hai Ye Towel - I decided to put this name was because I feel that this name was meaningful to him and one of the reason was many of elson's song was written by him and I like Hai Ye lyrics.

Pen with william name - I decided to give Pen was because I hope he can use this pen to write more good lyrics. Hope he like it.

Given a card to him as well. Wrote alot inside the card. I was shocked when he said my handwriting was nice..LOL..Thanks

After that was Photo time. I was super not myself that day..I was like so high..hehe

Zi Pai by birthday boy. I love his Zi Pai that was why I always want him to Zi Pai with me..hehe

Group Photo = Big Family

Message for you:

Had know you for quite long and I'm glad to know you. Before I know u, elson or RIG peep, I always stay at home. I dont like to go out at all. So I dont have much friends as well. But after I know u guys, I always has lots of event to attend during wkend and also got to know more frens.

I'm actually quite afraid of u when I just know you and you look damn serious especially during work and I dun dare to tok to u at all. I guess you don't know that too as I didnt mention before but after this year, you chatted with mi at msn and from that day onward, I changed my are actually a very nice, a person with lots of knowledge and you always gives me alot of advice, encourgement, care & concern.

Every word that came from your mouth was so meaningful. You always know what I'm thinking and always give me advice on what I should do and the direction for me to follow. To you, I'm a person who keep thing to myself but I'm glad to find a person who I can speak to.

When I'm emo, you will find something to cheer me up and you are very sure what things can cheer me up and thanks for sharing good things with me. Thanks for your counselling. Since I met you, I learned alot from you as well. Your fighting spirit and more. Thank you for changing my thinking in life. And I'm sure there are more to go to learn from you.

Actually those message should be written inside the card but I have too many to say and I'm sure it wasnt enough for me..hehe..ohoh..Im so Long winded.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Star Search Meet & Greet Session
Orchard Central
7th Nov 2010 (Sunday)

Headed down to orchard central for Star Search event. Reached there just on time. Actually not supporter of who but I quite like Jeffrey and Jinhao. Jeffrey is cute and he got sooooo many pose and Jinhao is so tall and cool..hehe

There were game session too. It was so funs.

Jinhao used evon's cam to Zi pai but his skill really CMI..hehe..even he ownself think so too..
Took photo with both Jeffrey and Jinhao.

With Jeffrey

With Jinhao

After that, they have walk session to ION, evon decided to go with them so I tagged along with her. It was such a tiring and hot day. But was fun as well.
After Star Search event, It was a busy time as we need to rush down to marina square for william's birthday celebration and also preparation. Stay tune for the next post on William's birthday Celebration.

Monday, November 1, 2010






每当难过时,不发一言和哭已是我释放心里的感情, 不压抑感情的堆积的方式, 但我知道这样只会让我看起来更没用吧。有时真的好累好累,好想放弃,但我告诉自己不能,快乐是我现在的目标,要珍惜现在因为你从不知道下一秒会有什么变化。


为何他总要受这样的苦? 为何别人总爱伤害他?不管怎样,我坚信我的感觉。但看到他难过,我却无能为力,只希望他的努力会被别人肯定,我就满足了。加油!!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dinner Gathering With Elson & Royal Family @ Crazy World Cafe.

Date: 26th Oct 2010
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Crazyworld Cafe

After work, went to crazyworld cafe for gathering. It was a really tiring day for me during work. Had been bending down in 90 degree to do measurement for A0 Size drawing for quite long hour and it result me to have a back pain. Thanks 3'S (Serena, Sillykid and Summer) for the massage.

Trained down from Ubi and reached there ard 7pm. Saw Shuping, Xuan, Xian & SH at mrt station. Shuping's eyes was damn sharp sia..haha

While waiting for the rest to reach, I decided to catch a small nap. When everyone reached, our dinner and gathering started. Don't know why, out of sudden, I has a slightly feverish feeling, my face was damn red and hot while my hand was cold to the max.

Enough of talking, shall let the pictures do the talking.

Got a crazyworld cafe mug from elson. Thanks

> Pic with Elson
> Picture with RIG Family

With Joanne

With Celin

With Peter
> Pic with Frens
With SH

With Xian
Lastly, with William - Thanks for the funny pic, will look at it when I'm feeling down..hehe

Group Photo

Thanks for the gathering. Elson's album will be release in November. Cant wait for it.