Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

Today is my birthday which mean I'm 1 yr older..haiz
Thanks for all the wishes at Facebook, SMS, MSN and blog.
Wouldn't be having any celebration today.
Will be staying at home to have a good rest...
Had been helping my colleague to do a project for almost 2 weeks plus
and the submission date was yesterday. Finally it's the end.

On Tuesday while on the way to work, I knocked against the electrical meter box outside my house. It was damn loud and painful. I just feel so stupid, had been walking that
way for so many yr so able to knock against it. It is still painful now....

Yesterday was his medical report collection day. Received a bad news that the doctor had confirm that it's a tumor in his throat but is beginning stage. He will be having treatment from next week. And hope after the treatment, he will be fully recover and sing for us. Hope the previous happy go lucky and cheerful of him will be back soon.

I'm trying to stay positive & not to be sad about it as life still go on. After this matter, I feel that Life is unpredictable 对于人生我已无言以对. We can't do anything. So all we can do is cherish what we have now.


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